Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Rhythm Guitarist Singer

Singing is one of the easiest things to do in a band, doesn’t matter even if your voice isn’t the purest, it just means you have your own style, and it is relatively easy to do. Another role in a band which is usually optional is to have a rhythm guitarist. Rhythm guitar can be quite difficult although the lead guitarist is often considered the one with the real skill, but rhythm can take a lot of skill. Full praise should go to a lead singer who is also the rhythm guitarist. It is a hard to play and sing at the same time. It is like patting your head and rubbing your stomach in a circle. It is especially difficult if the singer is playing a style like Ska where the rhythm is off beat and sporadic.

Even more credit to a three piece band where the lead guitarist is also the lead singer. Kurt Cobain of Nirvana was a good example of this. He was very good at singing and playing at the same time. His voice wasn’t great but he made up for it by using it in his own unique way to produce a good sound, while playing some good guitar, although it must be said that he was not a brilliant guitarist. He was still very creative. Creative enough to be one of the major influences on Grunge music.


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